Gasparilla Charity Connects With The Community
Monday, March 9, 2015
The Gasparilla Charity Horse Show, which begins this week on Tuesday, March 10 has worked hard, not only to make a great show for its exhibitors, but also for the surrounding Tampa, Florida community.
Last year, with Jennifer Lawrence Katko at the helm, the Tampa Charity Horse Show (the March show in Tampa alternates each year) was able to secure multiple local news spots to promote the horse show, as well as the many events it hosted to involve the local community. Each spot welcomed the community, as well as promoted the American Saddlebred to a wide, outside audience.
The horse show has already been interviewed by Tampa’s ABC Action News for this year’s show. Morgan King, of The National Horseman, shared that Gasparilla is proud to host the community through a stick horse class, an “invasion” by the Gasparilla Pirates, a cupcake party with the Frozen princesses, as well, of course, a chance to meet and pet American Saddlebreds.
Katko was able to secure the media spots by not only sharing the information about the horse show competition and the community events, but also by sharing the charity aspect of the show. This year’s charities are Horses for Hope; their mission is to raise breast cancer awareness, education, screening and referral among working members of the equine industry and their families, as well as High Risk Hope, which is a local charity that prolongs high risk pregnancies and improves the outcome for premature infants in the Tampa Bay area. Heather Barrow of High Risk Hope was also interviewed on ABC Action News to help promote the horse show.
The Gasparilla Charity Horse Show looks forward to more media exposure throughout the show this week. Please check the ASHA Facebook Page for links to those features. The horse show will also be webcast throughout the week, free of charge by Richfield Video Productions. For more information about the Gasparilla Charity Horse Show, please visit their website.