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World’s Championship Horse Show About to Start

In a couple of hours, the Saddlebred world will come to a virtual halt for seven days everywhere but
Louisville, Ky. Each day Saddle Horse Report Online will bring you glimpses of the Kentucky State Fair’s World’s Championship Horse Show, otherwise simply known as… LOUISVILLE.


We went out to the fairgrounds this afternoon to take a peek before things got underway. This is what we found:



The covered warm-up ring will be THE place to be late at night.


The barn aisleways will be humming with activity before long.


The crossing guard at Stopher Walk had better rest while he can.


Ready for the railbirds inside Freedom Hall.


Looking up the ramp from the in-gate makes one appreciate

the job it takes to get a horse or pony into the ring.


Freedom Hall “under wraps.”

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