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World’s Championship Horse Show Announcements For ASHA Members

Opening Night
Just a reminder to all ASHA members attending the 2015 World’s Championship Horse Show at the Kentucky State Fair that opening night will be Saturday, August 22. Especially if the weather is good that will be an extremely high volume day for traffic so it is advised to plan to arrive at the Kentucky State Fairgrounds early.
“We always advise fairgoers who attend on both Saturdays of the Fair to plan on early arrival and avoid using Gate One (main gate at Phillips Lane),” said Amanda Sorment, Chief of Staff & Vice President of Communications for the Kentucky State Fair. “Best access for the horse show exhibitors, especially during peak times (12 noon – 7 p.m.) is Gate 6 off Preston Highway. Follow #kystatefair on Twitter for up-to-the-minute traffic reports.”
Pay-Per View
For the second year, live streaming is available for the World’s Championship Horse Show. Viewers can say up-to-date from the comfort of their homes or on the go with their mobile device. This webcast will be available for viewers to purchase for $25 a day or $150 for the entire week, August 22-29.
The pay-per-view option for the World’s Championship Horse Show offers an easy connection, a high-quality feed, the ability to rewind, pause and fast-forward as well as an enhanced viewing experience. This option also allows you to stream both morning and evening performances. Morning performances begin at 9 a.m. and evening performances at 6:30 p.m.
Connect to pay-per-view directly from the World’s Championship Horse Show webpage at Easy payment options include all major credit cards and PayPal.
Beginning at noon the following day, the World’s Championship Horse Show will also offer streaming of previous shows for free. Views can connect to this stream from the WCHS webpage.
Virtual spectators will be able to view one of the richest and most prestigious Saddlebred horse show in the world. The show, held in conjunction with the Kentucky State Fair, crowns world’s champion Saddlebreds and Hackneys in various divisions, attracts spectators and competitors from across the world and includes over 2,000 horses competing for more than $1 million in awards. The Kentucky State Fair & World’s Championship Horse Show are owned and produced by the Kentucky State Fair Board, an agency of the Kentucky Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet.

The ASHA/UPHA Open Gate Learning Center
The ASHA has graciously offered to underwrite the ASHA/UPHA Open Gate Learning Center Program at the 2015 World's Championship Horse Show. The entire program will be available at no charge to all current UPHA junior members. Additionally juniors that would like to become UPHA Members may join during theASHA/UPHA Open Gate Learning Center application process. (see application link below)

The goal of the Open Gate Learning Center is to help students complete assignments required by their teachers while absent from school. Basic support such as clarification of assignments, proofreading work, proctoring tests and answering a student's questions are provided. The Center is also able to receive assignments, PowerPoint notes, outlines, etc. from teachers throughout the horse show.
If you have any questions please call 804-366-9455 or 540-348-1055 or write to [email protected]
ASHA Youth Activities

The ASHA Youth Committee will have lots of activities and contests for the youth during the World’s Championship Horse Show.


Enter the ASHA Youth Golf Cart Decorating Contest to win prizes and ribbons for both barn and individual entries. The entry fee is $20 which benefits the ASHA Youth Scholarships. Ribbons sponsored by Mike & Joy Sandifer. The golf carts will be judged on Thursday afternoon.

ASHA CASH CART: Try your luck in the ASHA Cash Cart and see how much you know about the Saddlebreds and the greatest horse show on the earth!! The Cash Cart will be making rounds throughout the horse show Saturday through Friday. Answer questions correctly to win cash!!


Walk in the shoes of a World’s Championship Horse Show judge by participating in the Junior Judging Contest. Packets will be available in the Saddlebred Center. Awards will be presented to the winners of the 13 and under and 14-20 age divisions. Junior Judging will take place Monday evening, Tuesday morning and Friday morning. The presentation of the winners will be Friday evening in center ring. Awards sponsored by R.E. Fennell Co., Andrea Hartmeyer Johns, and United States Equestrian Federation.


Bingo cards will be available Sunday-Friday. Visit the barns, vendors, and Saddlebred celebrities to collect your Bingo stickers. When you BINGO return your card to Saddlebred Center for a drawing for a daily prize basket! Barn Bingo will be available Sunday through Friday.


Youth are encouraged to enter the coloring contest using the coloring pages found in the Saddlebred Dailies. This contest also serves as a fundraiser for ASHA Youth Scholarships as Elisabeth Goth has generously offered to hold this contest and make a donation to the ASHA Youth Scholarships for each entry received.
Questions can be directed to [email protected], 859-25-3886.


The popular ASHA/UPHA World’s Championship Horse Show First Timer ribbon presentation will be held on the evening of Tuesday, August 25 at 5:30 PM in Freedom Hall’s center ring at the World’s Championship Horse Show.

If it is your first time exhibiting, owning, or training an entry at the World’s Championship Horse Show, please be sure your trainer or yourself signs you up for the presentation and ribbon. A sign up form will be available in the horse show office, located next to Stopher Walk.

For more information, please contact Michelle Partridge, ASHA Media Production and Marketing Manager.

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