Wisconsin Three-Year-Old Incentive Nominations Deadline Extended to March 15
Friday, February 27, 2015
The deadline for nominating 2014 foals to The Wisconsin Three Year Old Incentive Program has been extended to March 15. Foals become eligible with a one-time payment. There are no additional payments or deadlines. The Wisconsin Three Year Old Incentive Class is held at the Wisconsin Futurity Horse Festival in September. Eligible foals do not have to be nominated to the ASHB Futurity of Wisconsin.
Foals of 2012 and 2013 may still participate and show in The Three Year Old Incentive Class if nominated by March 15 deadline. One time only nomination fees increase as the foal ages. In order for a Three Year Old to show in 2015 payment must be made by March 15, 2015
For nomination forms and more information pertaining to the Wisconsin Three Year Old Incentive Program, visit Wisconsin Futurity new website www.wisconsinfuturity.com or contact Joe D. Russell 815-341-6023.