The Winner's Circle Acquires WCHE And National Bridle Shop
Friday, December 23, 2011
SHELBYVILLE, Tenn, Dec. 23, 2011 Shelbyville, Tenn.- The Winner's Circle Horse Supply, LLC of Shelbyville, TN has agreed to purchase the assets of gaited horse tack retailers World Champion Horse Equipment and National Bridle Shop. The consolidation of these three market leaders in 2012 will create the nation’s largest supplier of tack and apparel in the gaited equine market.
The new company will continue retail operations in Shelbyville, Tn. , Lewisburg, Tn. and Simpsonville, Ky. An expansion project will begin immediately at the Shelbyville and Simpsonville locations to accommodate the new conglomerate and further enhance the retail experience for customers.
"We are excited about these three companies joining forces to become a leader and dominant force in the equine equipment industry. All of our valued customers will continue to see exceptional service and the quality they have come to expect from all three of these fine companies," said Winner’s Circle CEO David Thomas.
Bobby Beech will remain in charge of day to day operations at National Bridle Shop and will assist with the consolidation process. Beech and his staff bring several decades of experience and a superior record of customer service
“Mr. Thomas’ vision of consolidating these three well-known companies is unparalleled in our industry” said National Bridle’s Bobby Beech. “We believe that the combination of unique product from each of these great companies will create a web, mail order and retail shopping experience that will be fun and exciting.”
“It is an exciting day for The Winners’ Circle, National Bridle Shop and World Champion Horse Equipment. The consolidation of these three companies will provide an enhanced level of service, quality and product offering to the customers in the industry. Both the Thomas and Beech families bring a tremendous amount of knowledge and passion for the equine equipment industry and the future is very bright for all involved,” said World Champion Horse Equipment Co-Owner Christy Parsons.