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What Matters? Showing Matters.

We’re on the brink of another show season. Plans are being made; prize lists are being posted; and the excitement and hope for teams, new and veteran, swells. But there are fewer and fewer shows and those that do exist tend to be clustered in areas that already have many shows. Ironically, we have both too many shows and too few. In areas where many shows exist, the shows compete with each other. And in the areas where there are too few, people and horses have to travel great distances putting a strain on their time and wallets. So, what is the ASHA doing to help?

1.) National Select Series: As you’ve seen, the ASHA is in the process of rolling out the National Select Series designed to help middle market horses have places to show and succeed. Modeled after the successful Kentucky Bluegrass Select Series and the Carolina Summer Circuit, the National Select Series is in the process of signing its first national sponsor and plans to introduce the concept into some ASHA regions this year with a full roll out in 2021. The concept of this National Select Series is being overseen by the Middle Market Committee at the ASHA. This committees charge is to conceive ideas that will drive showing and American Saddlebred interest in underserved markets.

2.) Horse Show Grants: The ASHA will be awarding grants of up to $1,000 to deserving horse shows all over the country. Grants will be funded solely through a $50 horse show application fee for participation in the ASHA Star Show program, which will be waived for shows which receive grants. Grant applications for the 2020 competition year must be received by March 31, 2020 and can be found HERE. The first $1,000 recipient of the ASHA Horse Show Grant is the Silicon Valley Horse to be held in May.

3.) High Point Awards: The ASHA has been offering national awards for High Points for many years now. The way these points are awarded are meant to encourage those horses who show at a number of shows and consistently do well. Points are awarded based on the results submitted by ASHA recorded shows and the individual submissions from our Sport Horse, AOT and Open Show competitors. Last year hundreds of members and American Saddlebreds were recognized with High Point Awards from every region and discipline.

4.) Star Shows: We’ve been talking about the new ASHA Star Shows for some time now. This new show destination will offer a consistent set of guidelines, along with additional marketing support. These new guidelines address rules, enforcement and mileage issues that have been areas of concern for previously unaffiliated shows as the ASHA will now assist shows, if necessary, in the enforcement of rules and policies. Participants in these Star Shows will not have to be USEF members but will follow the Saddlebred Breed Rules. They will also receive support from the ASHA and will be able to participate in ASHA awards programs such as High Points and CH point accumulation and have their shows count for accumulating points toward World’s Championship Horse Show qualifying.

So, what can you do to help? Support our shows. Go and show; and show back. Have fun and enter classes. Go to new shows and old, familiar ones alike. When we show our horses, we have more fun. When we show our horses, it makes for a better experience for the people who attend. It makes a horse show truly a “show”. And who doesn’t love a good show?

What Matters. Showing Matters.

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