Video Highlights and Interviews from River Ridge
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Welcome to the next generation in horse show coverage! Saddle Horse Report has always brought you the most in depth and complete coverage of the show horse world. This season, we are going to take it to the next level, by putting our plans in motion… Literally. We present to you expanded video coverage of some of the biggest horse shows in the country in a new section of our website, beginning this week at River Ridge. Presented by Freedman's, we will bring you video highlights of all of this week’s evening performances, plus interviews with some of the show’s top performers.
Visit the "Videos" section of to catch all the action! Follow us on Twitter @SaddleHorseRpt or check out our Facebook page for links to all of the videos as they are posted.
We need your help! What good is a great idea without a catchy title? We will be holding a contest to put a name to this exciting new program in the coming weeks. Watch for details on Facebook, Twitter, and in the upcoming issues of Saddle Horse Report.