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USEF Hears Affiliate Members’ Concerns and Agrees to Take Action

Both the president, David Mount, and the executive director, Terri Dolan, of the American Saddlebred Horse Association attended an Affiliate Roundtable at the United States Equestrian Federation Annual Meeting in West Palm Beach on Friday, January 11 to discuss ASHA concerns with the leadership of the USEF. Prior to the roundtable, a separate meeting was arranged by the ASHA with the leadership of key breed and discipline affiliates to get alignment on the major issues before meeting with the USEF.

The link below, provided by the USEF, gives a good overview of the Affiliate Roundtable discussion. Also, there was a commitment by the leadership of the breed and discipline affiliates to attend a workshop and then meet on a regular basis to address additional concerns. “I thought both the willingness of the affiliate leadership to work together and the willingness of the USEF to improve the affiliate relationship, which includes giving the affiliates a greater voice, were very positive developments,” said David Mount.

USEF Affiliate Discussion.

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