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USEF Announces New Roadster Division Requirements

Editor's Note: Hackney pony exhibitors need to be aware that roadster pony classes are under the jurisdiction of the Hackney division at some USEF-rated shows and Roadster division at others. Horse show prize lists will define which division has jurisdiction.

Lexington, KY – The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) would like to advise all members that participate in the Roadster Division to be aware of a new rule (RD101.2) that takes effect April 1, 2008 which will require all owners, exhibitors and trainers of horses and ponies to be members of the American Road Horse and Pony Association (ARHPA).

Therefore, if a roadster horse class or a roadster pony class is operating under the Roadster Division rules of the USEF Rule Book, then the owner, trainer and exhibitor of the entry must be members in good standing with the ARHPA and provide copies of the membership cards to the competition prior to competing. Lessees are considered owners in connection with this membership requirement. In the event of an entry under multiple ownership, only one owner will need be a member of ARHPA.

Any questions regarding this rule and membership requirement should be directed to Carrie Mortensen, USEF’s Director of Breeds & Western, at 859-225-6986 or via email The American Road Horse and Pony Association can be reached at 177 E. 2nd St., Maysville, KY 41056 (606) 564-3766.

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