UPHA/American Royal Judges Announced
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Show manager Kent Moeller announced the judging panel for the 2017 UPHA/American Royal National Championship Horse Show, which will be held for the first time in Hale Arena, November 6–11. Located in the American Royal complex, Hale Arena has been the successful home for the UPHA Chapter 5 Horse Show for the past few years and many exciting additions will be made for the UPHA/American Royal.
Judging the American Saddlebred, Hackney, roadster and the American Royal Equitation Championship and age groups will be Josh Greer, Randy Harper and Jimmy Robertson. Selected to judge the USEF Saddle Seat Medal Finals were Josh Greer, Suzy Shiflet and John Whalen. Peggy Alderman, Anne Judd and Jimmy Robertson will officiate the UPHA Senior, Junior and Walk and Trot Challenge Cup Finals, while Greer, Harper and Robertson will mark the cards in the UPHA Exceptional Challenge Cup.