UPHA Horse and Pony of the Year Voting Ends Wednesday!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The online voting for the UPHA Horse and Pony of the Year began on Wednesday, November 23rd and will conclude on Wednesday, November 30th at 5pm EST. If you are an Active (Professional) current member, visit www.uphaonline.com/horse-voting.php to cast your vote. If you are not a current member, you may renew your membership online, and then vote.
"This is a new venture for us," stated UPHA President, Bret Day. "We hope to make the voting faster and easier for our members, as well as offering more accurate tabulation." Safeguards are in place to insure that each Active/Professional member votes only once.
"We realize that some members' computers may not be compatible with the latest operating systems and software, so there will be a PDF download of the ballot available on the UPHA website should one have problems with the online ballot", stated Day. Members can download the ballot, print it out, mark it and then fax or mail it to the UPHA office by November 30th.
Here are the steps you take to vote online:
1. Go to www.uphaonline.com
2. Click on the "Horse and Pony of the Year Voting" button in the top right-hand corner of the Home Page.
3. You will be directed to the Voting Page, where you will find instructions on voting and a link to the Membership Login page.
4. You will need to have your Membership Card on hand. Your Username and Password are your Name and Membership Number (without the zeros) as they appear on your card. If you do not know your membership number, please email Kristin Stivers for assistance.
5. If you have Login issues, or problems using the Online Ballot, simply download the PDF file to print a paper ballot that you may fax or mail to the UPHA office. You must indicate your member number on the paper ballot or your ballot will be void.