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UPHA Classics Incentive Sale Cancelled

The UPHA would like to announce, that after much consideration, the 2009 UPHA Classics Incentive Sale will not be held this year, due to insufficient entries. The UPHA Incentive Sale Committee felt that holding the sale with the small number of entries would not be profitable for the consignors or the Classics Incentive Sale program.

The UPHA would like to thank the consignors who sent in entries for this year's sale, and look forward to their continued support in next year's sale, along with the UPHA Classics Championship, as Incentive Sale money will continued to be paid.

The UPHA Classics Sale Committee, along with the UPHA Board of Directors, will be in talks in the coming days and weeks to brainstorm on ways to improve the sale for 2010.

If you have any questions, please contact the UPHA.
Karen G. Richardson
UPHA, Inc.
4059 Iron Works Parkway, #2
Lexington, KY  40511
859-231-5070 phone
859-255-2774 fax

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