UPHA Chapter 19 Spring Training Fundraiser Held at Coors Field
Monday, April 11, 2011
The United Professional Horsemen’s Association (UPHA) Chapter 19 in Colorado organized a fundraiser to help support this year’s UPHA Almost Summer Horse Show held in June in Denver. Several members of UPHA Chapter 19 and many of the amateurs and junior riders who participate in Morgan and American Saddlebred events in the Rocky Mountain region gathered at Coors Field on March 6 for a behind-the-scenes tour of the Colorado Rockies baseball field. Participants of the tour got to see the locker rooms, the umpires’ lounge and the $110,000 per season VIP Club Rooms. Trips down to the dugouts and a birds’ eye view of the field from the press level were also part of the tour.
Following the tour, the group assembled at a nearby restaurant for free appetizers and a cash bar. The excitement of the upcoming horse show season was upstaged only by the interest of the baseball stadium tour. Talk of new up-and-coming Morgan Park horses and Five Gaited Saddlebreds was interspersed with friendly debate about favorite Colorado Rockies baseball players.
"This was a great way to begin our horse show season here in Colorado," says Tom Volz, Chapter Chairman of UPHA Chapter 19. "We were successful on two fronts: Drumming up excitement for all of our Colorado horse shows and raising money to put on our Almost Summer show in June."
Several participants expressed their enjoyment of Coors Field fundraiser. "This really was a lot of fun," says Nancy Goodwin, a member of Chapter 19. "What a great way to raise funds for our favorite pastime, going to horse shows!"
The UPHA Almost Summer Horse Show will be held in Denver, Colorado June 17-19 at the National Western Events Center. Information is available online at www.ShowMeTheRibbons.com.