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UPHA Chapter 18 Spring Riding Clinic

It is not too early to be making plans to attend the UPHA Spring Riding Clinic sponsored by Chapter 18, Virginia and West Virginia.   This year will mark the 21st year in a row for this very special event and, as in the past, it will be held at the Virginia Horse Center on February 20th and 21st 2015.   We are very pleased to feature the popular World Champion instructor Ellen Beard.  Ellen has instructed two of our clinics in the past and has been one of our most popular instructors, so make your plans to come take a lesson from her.  Also, on Saturday afternoon, February 21st we will hold our last Winter Tournament for the season, this is a great opportunity to take a lesson and then show to practice what you just learned! 

Private lessons as well as group lessons are offered and you have the option of bringing your own horse to get in some real show ring experience or riding a lesson horse that can be provided.  It is an excellent way to brush up for the upcoming show season, work on some problem areas, or just get more riding experience under the expert guidance of Ellen Beard. Spectators are welcome too.

          For more information  contact Nancy Troutman (540)598 9083  [email protected],  Smith Lilly at (304)384-8800 or Andre’ Fourie (304)327-7718.  Clinic registrations must be made in advance.
To receive info about the Winter Tournament, please contact Nancy Troutman.

         Plan to come join in this fun and great learning experience!

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