UPHA Chapter 5 Judging Panel Announced
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Building on a great event in 2013, the UPHA Chapter 5 Horse Show will feature a three-judge panel for its May 7-10, 2014 show dates. James Nichols will judge the Saddlebred, Pony, and Equitation divisions. Tré Lee will preside over the Saddlebred and Equitation classes, and Tim Roesink will join as the Morgan judge, completing the panel for Saddlebreds and Equitation as well. Mr. Nichols has an extensive resume as a judge and as a horseman. Mr. Lee is one of the top young horsemen in the world with a multitude of World’s Championships over the past decade. Mr. Roesink is a highly accomplished horseman as well and is consistently one of the biggest winners every year at the Morgan Grand National and World Championship Horse Show.
The UPHA Chapter 5 Horse Show Committee is thrilled to have put together one of the most well-rounded panels to be found anywhere in the country!
New for this year will be a Wednesday matinee session. This is being done to help lighten the class load for some of the evening performances. To prepare for this new session, horses will be allowed to move in on the Sunday prior to the horse show.
With a party nearly every night and evening sessions designed to allow time before and after the session for fun with your horse show friends, the UPHA Chapter 5 Horse Show will be the social event of the spring!
For more information, contact Show Manager Tuffy Owens at 602-579-3738 or [email protected]. You may also contact Chapter Chair Robert Gardiner at 630-222-8599 or [email protected].
Like the show’s Facebook page for more updates as the show dates approach, May 7-10, 2014.