UPHA Announces Hall of Fame and Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients for 2020
Monday, January 11, 2021
The United Professional Horsemen’s Association (UPHA) Executive Board announces the Tom Moore Hall of Fame, Helen K. Crabtree Instructor Hall of Fame, Larry Bacon Lifetime Achievement Award and the Alvin C. Ruxer Lifetime Commitment Award for 2020. These award recipients will have the option of having their awards presented at the 2022 UPHA National Conference in Orlando, FL or a show in 2021 when COVID-19 restrictions ease.
Tom Moore Hall of Fame-Carter Cox and Eddie B. Womble
To be eligible for induction into the UPHA Hall of Fame, a person or persons (can be a couple/partner) must have derived his or her livelihood from the profession of training show horses or ponies. He or she must have reached their success not only through the champion horses and ponies they have developed and shown, but must possess the respect of their peers throughout the professional conduct they have maintained throughout their careers. He or she must have willingly given of himself or herself the knowledge that they have acquired over the years, in an effort to help their fellow professionals and further the success of the show horse industry and the training profession. Induction into the UPHA Hall of Fame means this person has earned the highest esteem of their peers.
Helen K. Crabtree Instructor Hall of Fame-Melissa Smith
The UPHA Helen K. Crabtree Instructor Hall of Fame shall be presented to a professional (can be couple/partner) who has demonstrated extraordinary teaching and training skills (riding/driving) by consistently having winning combinations in the show ring and setting new standards of excellence year after year. By his/her dedication to teaching and training, effective teaching techniques, strong work ethic and superior conduct, the individual promotes the show horse/pony industry to youth and amateurs.
Larry Bacon Lifetime Achievement Award-Nelson Green
The UPHA Larry Bacon Lifetime Achievement Award is reserved for a few very special people whose deeds and actions, over many years of involvement in the show horse sport, have consistently demonstrated their integrity, unselfishness, sportsmanship and competitive spirit. They are persons highly respected by their peers as leaders not followers. They are people who display an unconditional love for horses and who have shown a genuine concern for the betterment and advancement of the show horse industry by dedicating themselves to that end. They further feel a responsibility as custodians and “keepers” of the show horse breeds and can always be counted upon, to have the best interest of these breeds at heart. They are innovators, can be movers and shakers or people who are happy making a great impact from behind the scenes. All, so honored, will have one thing in common; our show horse world is a better place because of them. Those selected may be Trainers, Breeders, Owners, Exhibitors, Sponsors, Show Managers or simply people with a true appreciation of these horses and ponies we all love. To be considered for this award is to be paid the highest of compliments, to receive it is to receive the highest of honors.
Alvin C. Ruxer Lifetime Commitment Award-C.A. Lee III
The UPHA Alvin C. Ruxer Lifetime Commitment Award recognizes the dedicated service and support of an UPHA Associate Member. Named for Alvin C. Ruxer, whose generous financial and personal commitment afforded the UPHA the opportunity to realize its formation, the recipient of the Award is someone who embodies that same commitment. The recipient has shown a lifetime of dedication to the UPHA's mission, goals and programs. The recipient has participated in the UPHA; its various breed organizations and its programs for numerous years. The recipient has supported the UPHA's members, missions, goals and programs in order to see the UPHA succeed and grow.
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