UPHA /American Royal National Championship
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Happenings at the 2015 UPHA American Royal Horse Show that we want you to know about as everyone prepares for the “Grand Finale” of the Show Season, please read below:
A Three-year-old Park Class will be added to the UPHA American Royal National Championship Horse Show schedule. The class will be held during the Friday afternoon performance.
The American Royal will once again graciously host a lovely dinner and exhibitor party immediately following the Thursday evening performance. All exhibitors are invited and encouraged to attend.
Last but not least, and back by popular demand are the Donkey Races! The UPHA Young Professionals will host what proved to be one of the most entertaining and fun events of last year’s show! This event will be held in Hale Arena immediately following the Friday evening performance. Please support the UPHA Young Professionals and this great event with your tax deductible dollars as this is their primary fundraising event of the year!
For more information you may access the horse show prize list online at
www.uphaonline.com or www.americanroyalhorseshow.com.