Tulsa Summer Classic Still On for August
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Tulsa Summer Classic show committee is pleased to announce that the show will be held this year despite fears of facility unavailability. A contract has been signed with the Tulsa State Fairgrounds for the show to take place on August 4-7, 2011 in the air conditioned Mustang Arena. Due to popular demand, a full day of open dressage has been added on August 7. TSC is a USEF “A” Rated Morgan show hosting a wide array of classes including trail, reining, and open carriage.
Show officials include: Rick Davis (judge), Bobbie Paulk (dressage judge), Nancy Braesicke (show manager), Kelly McFaul (show secretary) and Casey McBride (show photographer). For more information, please contact Rose Morris at (918) 798-3761 or mel_rose@cox.net.