If The Tiara Fits Passes Away
Monday, September 12, 2011
If The Tiara Fits passed away in a tragic show ring accident last Friday in Indianapolis at the All American Horse Classic. She and George Knight were showing in the ASR Four-Year-Old Fine Harness Sweepstakes. She had won the three-year-old equivalent of this same class just a year ago. Proudly owned and bred by Kim Skipton and George Knight and also loved by assistant trainer Walden Bullard, If The Tiara Fits was by Such A Salesman and out of Princess Shalimar, a mare shown by Kim to the Five-Gaited Mare Reserve World’s Championship in 2003.
If The Tiara Fits was widely successful in harness all throughout her too-short career, taking a Two-Year-Old Fine Harness Mare Reserve World’s Championship, the ASR Three-Year-Old Fine Harness Sweepstakes National Championship, and the Junior Fine Harness Mare Reserve World’s Championship just a few weeks ago. She will be missed by all that love the American Saddlebred, and most especially by Kim, George and Walden.
Also involved in an accident in that same class was Julian Thomas, who was taken to the hospital in an ambulance but was in stable condition.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of those involved in this tragic accident.