Tar Heel Classic Horse Show to Reinvent Itself
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Elizabeth Holmes, manager of the Tar Heel Classic Horse Show, is pleased to announce that the “new” Tar Heel Spring Classic Horse Show will be held on May 1-3, 2008 at the Latta Plantation Park Equestrian Center, north of Charlotte, NC.
Faced with the same challenges as many civic clubs across the country - a declining and aging membership - the Kiwanis Club decided that it was unable to maintain the show (and its aging facility) at the level needed by today’s exhibitors. Upon receiving word on August 7 that the Board of Directors of the Statesville Kiwanis Club voted to discontinue the horse show, Holmes quickly secured the new location on the show’s usual dates. The great news is that the show is not going away but simply moving a few miles down the road to Latta Plantation, already home to the popular Charlotte Charity Horse Show.
A staple on the always-competitive Carolinas show circuit, the Tar Heel Classic has been the horsemen’s favorite stop on the first weekend in May. The picturesque ring at the Iredell County Fairgrounds was locally billed as the “world’s greatest outdoor show ring,” indeed the case when Mother Nature cooperated. Known for its capricious weather as well as spirited Kentucky Derby parties, “Statesville” hosted a veritable “who’s who” of the Saddlebred, Hackney, and roadster world for 39 years. Now, in its new incarnation and new location, the Tar Heel Spring Classic has a golden opportunity to build on the storied heritage of the original show.
Holmes appreciates the loyal exhibitors who have continued to make the Tar Heel Classic an integral part of the Carolina-Virginia show scene in recent years. “These dates and this show were too important to lose,” said show manager Liz Holmes. “I’m thrilled that the show can continue without interruption.”
Additional information about the new Tar Heel Spring Classic will be available at a later date. Questions may be directed to Liz Holmes at (919) 563-5992 or e-mail lizholmes@mebtel.net.