Super Convention Vendor Space Deadline Approaching
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Officials with the 2016 Super Convention announced the first deadline with the best price for vendor space is coming up October 31, 2015.
The convention is being held February 9 - 14, 2016 at the Westin Waterfront, Boston, MA. If space is reserved by October 31 the cost for a 10 x 10 space (does not include electrical drop or internet access) is $300. The space does include (1) six foot table, (2) chairs and a wastebasket. All electrical, audio/visual and Internet services must be reserved directly through Westin Boston Waterfront and must be ordered at least 14 days prior to the convention.
If the October 31 deadline is missed you can still be a part of this historic convention. If space is reserved by November 30, 2015 the cost is $400 and if received by December 31, 2015 the cost is $500. Again, that is for the 10 x 10 space, table, chairs and wastebasket.
A large turnout is expected for this joint meeting of the United Professional Horsemen's Association, American Morgan Horse Association, American Saddlebred Horse Association and American Hackney Horse Society. The associations will be taking a look at their pasts, at the current state of affairs for the equine industry and at how they will succeed in the future. Various industry professionals will weigh in on these topics as well as participate in forums on specific subjects.
There will be plenty of entertainment to go along with the educational activities. Hall of Fame Thoroughbred trainer D. Wayne Lucas is one of the convention's speakers and he will be featured during the Friday afternoon UPHA Divisional Horses/Ponies Of The Year Luncheon.
To reserve your booth space contact Amanda Ward at (678) 873-2417 or email [email protected].
For information on electrical and Internet service contact Christine Duncan at 617-532-4885. Information is also available at under "Annual Convention."