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Student Comments about the UPHA Open Gate Learning Center

The First UPHA Open Gate Learning Center at the 2014 UPHA American Royal National Championship Horse Show was very successful. Eighteen students participated in the program that was over seen by UPHA tutor Debra Murphy.

The students put in more than 80 hours of study time!!!!

A Very Special Thank You to the Sponsors of the UPHA Open Gate Learning Center:

The McGinnis Family
Leslie Rainbolt-Forbes
The Hawley Family
The Rudder Family

Below are a few of the comments that the center received.

“I loved having a place to go at a horse show to do my school work. It feels great knowing that I am completely caught up in all of my classes before going back to school on Monday!” –Emily van Duren

"Had a marvelous time. Really did help me to stay caught up with my classes.  Thank you for doing this." -Lauren Amos

"The best part was extra help." -Griffin Day

“The Learning Center was a nice and quiet place to work. I was able to get a lot done in a short amount of time” – Anne Pateman

“This helped by helping my teachers understand that riding is a sport and isn’t just something to do during your free time” Olivia Schumacher

“It was awesome”- Story Sinex

“My experience was amazing”-Jenifer Moritz

“I think this was a great opportunity for me to complete my work with assistance. Good program.”- Scotty Bruggeworth

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