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Posted April 24, 2002
The following statement was issued by the American Morgan Horse Association on April, 15, 2002:
In the Matter of Charges Preferred Against Bruce K. Ekstrom and Ekstrom Enterprises, Inc., the Registry Committee has adopted a recommendation to conduct hearings in two phases so as to consider separately 1) allegations of wrongdoing by Mr. Ekstrom and Ekstrom Enterprises, Inc. and any appropriate sanction against those members; and 2) the disposition of the registrations of affected horses. The Registry Committee was requested to adopt this approach by third-party owners of purported progeny of Chantilly Lace, who wish to focus only on the issue of the disposition of horses without sitting through a hearing on, or giving attention to, issues relating to the alleged misconduct. Therefore, the hearing scheduled to begin on May 13, 2002, will adjourn after presentation of evidence and arguments relating to the alleged conduct of Mr. Ekstrom and Ekstrom Enterprises, Inc. After the first part of the decision is rendered with respect to such alleged conduct, the hearing will reconvene, if necessary, to consider the disposition of affected horses.

Given that anticipated sequence of events, and the resulting passage of time before any determination of the disposition of affected horses, the Registry Committee has authorized the Executive Director to set aside the suspension of purported progeny of Chantilly Lace, Reg. No. 024128, pending the resolution of all hearings on the subject charges. However, in the interim, the Registry will require all those seeking to transact Registry business regarding records relating to affected horses to acknowledge in writing their awareness of the potential effect of the pending proceedings. Further, as a condition to setting aside suspensions, record owners of affected horses will be required to acknowledge in writing their responsibility to inform those with whom they do business or otherwise relate regarding such horses of the pending proceedings and their possible effect.

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