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Stabling Changes Made For Louisville

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Clifford “Rip” Rippetoe, President and CEO of the Kentucky State Fair board announced the following actions in response to losing stalls for the World’s Championship Horse Show with Cardinal Stadium being deemed unsafe. These actions came following a meeting with the World’s Championship Horse Show Advisory Committee.

The following will take place:

• All of the offices, storage and shops are currently being moved out from under the stands.

• The warm up ring will remain the same size and shape as in years past. There will be a 25’ perimeter with a chain link fence that will circle the higher structural pieces of the Stadium.

• The fire marshal has approved 90 additional stalls in the North Wing.

•We will move two Tack exhibitors our to their previous location along and to the north of Stopher Walk.

• A double row of stalls and the electrical for them will be added into HIJ barns.

•Three or four clear span tents will be used for the remaining stalls needed. These will be located out in the north half of Lot D (see attached diagram).

• A double wide trailer has been installed for the horse show office north of Stopher Walk.

• We have the ability to add 15 stalls close to the back dock. This is on the east side of the building close to the North Hall.

• We have been talking to our stall provider about the stalls being cleaned better before they arrive.

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