Southern Saddlebred Sales announces Invitational Holiday Online Auction
Friday, November 7, 2014
Southern Saddlebred Sales, partnered with Addis Live Online Auctions, will once again offer a Holiday Online Auction on Tuesday, December 2nd. Entries in this sale must be invited or pre-approved, as there is a minimum opening bid of $5,000.
“We wanted to try something a little different with this end of the year sale,” said Jackie Hale, “and Bill Addis suggested an Invitational Only event with a starting bid of $5,000, as they have had excellent results with this type of sale for other breeds. We hope that this $5,000 “safety net” will reduce some of the fear of trying the Online Auction and will attract higher quality entries.”
“We’ve already started inviting some of the stables and trainers who have supported us in the past with nice horses,” said James Hale. In order to be included, consigners should contact James or Jackie with information about their entry, and possibly a photo or video clip for review. The entry fee is $250 and that covers the set up of the webpage, promotion of the horses for sale via mass email and social media, and the Minimum Bid/RNA of $5,000. Consignors may set a higher minimum acceptable bid if they wish, with a RNA fee of 5%. The commission rate is 12% of the sale price.
The key to success in an Online Auction is to enter early enough for buyers to have time to investigate the horses offered for sale, and to have good quality video and photos. Prospective bidders are encouraged to do their homework, contact the consignor and pay a visit to see the horse if time allows. Once a horse is entered in the sale it must be sold through the auction – there are NO OUTS.
“We are simply serving as a means by which to introduce nice horses to potential buyers and offering a sale date to close the deal,” said Jackie. Visit the website for more details and to download a Consignment Form: Entries are being accepted now through the end of November.
Contact the Hales at [email protected] or give them a call for more information: Jackie 205-862-8851 or James 205-478-1332.