Southeastern Hackney News
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Southeastern Hackney will continue with its incentive program this year with the following shows offering the incentive money: ASAC in Clemson, S.C., New River Valley Horse Show in Dublin, VA, UPHA Horseman’s Classic in Greensboro, NC, Bluefield Horse Show, Bluefield, WVA, ETSA Midsummer Horse Show in Morristown, TN, and Southeastern Charity Horse Show in Conyers, GA. Please go to the site for all information and forms.
There will no longer be in hand futurity classes but there will be a Breeders Stake at the ETSA Horse show in Morristown. The 3-year-old performance classes and also the 4 and 5-year-old performance classes will be shown together. The classes that will be offered are Hackney, Harness, Pleasure Driving, and Roadster ponies. There will be a nomination fee and added money will be paid out in each class. Your pony must be nominated and you must be a member of SEHA. All forms and information are on the web site.
The High Point program has been reinstated for 2015, and this year is free to participate as long as the owner and the exhibitor are SEHA members. We have made that easy by putting a form on the website that you can fill out and submit online. There will be awards given in all divisions. Officers for the Southeastern Hackney Association include President Bo Lucas, Vice-President Carl Nichols, Secretary Sallie Turner and Treasurer Charles Leonard.