Showcase Your Saddlebred/Hackney High Point Winner
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The results are in! Since the end of show season our Saddle Horse Report staff has worked to compile the points you earned competing throughout the season for our High Point awards. You can see your final standings by clicking on the High Point link on the web site menu and then clicking on the drop-down menu for your division.
The awards for Top Ten award winners for each Saddlebred and Hackney division are in the mail. All Top Ten winners will be featured in our upcoming January 28th issue.
The deadline for ads for the Saddlebred/ Hackney High Point issue has been extended to Friday morning, January 25. For more information about the issue you may contact Katherine Hansil at 678.471.1865 or or Merritt Pryor at 828.693.6532 or
Congratulations to all the horses and ponies who showed all year long and best of luck in the upcoming season!
(Editor's note: The Morgan High Point issue of the Saddle Horse Report will be published March 31. Contact Morgan Editor Diana Davidson for more information.)