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The Show Will Go On With Record Numbers

Posted October 3, 2001
All systems are "go" for what promises to be one of the greatest Grand National and World Championship Morgan Horse Shows ever. Officials report no interference with activities at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in relation to the recent national tragedy. As events continue to unfold in America, one thing we can all be thankful for is the renewed feeling of patriotism overcoming most Americans. It is a time for everyone to proudly join together and get on with life.

Many Americans will travel to Oklahoma City in October to do just that with a warm sense of patriotism in their hearts. These Americans have a special tie to our country through their involvement with America's first breed of horse. The Morgan was first to be American and first to fight for our country. As one of the premier mounts in the early days of American combat, the Morgan horse played a valuable role in making our country what it is today.

The Morgan serves a more symbolic role in the lives of many Americans today. For most who love them, their heart and stamina will help heal and bring those who love them closer together.

Make plans now to attend this extraordinary event October 7th through October 14th. You can also follow the show ring results daily during the show at

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