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Scenes from Louisville – Sunday Evening


Editor’s Note: The editor apologizes for a few photos that are out of focus. However, she thought the readers would still enjoy seeing some of the night’s winners even if the photos aren’t perfect.

The railbirds have flocked to the ring


Pascale and Bret Day

ASR Futurity of KY – Weanling Champion


General Mills and Barbara Blacklaw

KY County Fair Hackney Pony Champion


Angela Lane and Ricky Cook

KY County Fair Three-Gaited Champion


Simbara’s Sweet Lorraine and Nelson Green

KY County Fair Fine Harness Champion


Ostentatiously and Deborah Visser

Ladies Three-Gaited 15.2 & Under Champion

Enzo and Bill Marple

Amateur Gentlemen’s Five-Gaited Champion

Castledream (and Larry Hodge)

Junior Fine Harness Stallion/Gelding Champion

Imperiaptor and Mitch Clark

KY County Fair Five-Gaited Champion


Faces in the Ring


Melissa Moore


Dena Lopez


Phillipa Sledge  

A final view on Sunday nght:

The golf carts begin to line up at the all-night schooling ring...
the spectators' favorite after-show hangout.

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