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Saint Louis Charity Gears Up

The Saint Louis National Charity Horse Show has announced its judges for Saddlebred Week, scheduled for Sept. 23-26, 2009, at the fun-filled National Equestrian Center in Lake St. Louis, Mo. The judging lineup includes Betsy Boone, Concord, N.C.; Lynda Freseth, Oconomowoc, Wis.; and Melinda Moore, Lawrenceburg, Ky. The show’s second dressage competition will be judged by Susan Posner, Lexington, Ky.

"As always, our judges bring first-class expertise to a first-rate show," said Judy Werner, longtime Saddlebred committee member of the horse show board. "We have some of the best horses in the country meeting up in St. Louis every year, and we want to ensure our judging panel reflects that same level of quality."

Werner adds that the Saint Louis National Charity Horse Show will continue to put emphasis on a party-like atmosphere. "Our goal for the show is good friends, good horses and a good time."

Charlie Byron of Hartselle, Ala. has been named the 2009 Saddlebred show manager. Byron brings a wealth of experience to the show, having been involved with Saddlebreds, Hackneys, road horses and ponies for the past 60 years and having managed horse shows for the past 20 years. Some of the shows managed by Byron include Pro Am, Germantown Charity, Dixie Jubilee and the Alabama Charity Championship. He received the UPHA Herman Miles Horse Show Manager of the Year award in 2003.

Byron has trained several world’s champions and won his first world’s championship at the age of 17.

"I believe that for a horse show to be successful, you must let the exhibitors, trainers and owners know that you want them there and appreciate them coming to the show," said Byron. "You can't just assume if you are having a horse show, they will automatically come; you have to work very hard to make a horse show a success." 

Byron plans to make good on that promise at the Saint Louis show with a friendly and cooperative attitude from the office to the barn and into the show ring.

The horse show once again supports Longmeadow Rescue Ranch, the farm animal division of the Humane Society of Missouri. For more information on the charity and the horses it has available for adoption, visit

The show location will again be at the National Equestrian Center in growing Lake St. Louis, Mo. For local information and things to do around town – including new hotels, new restaurants, spas, shopping and more – visit

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