Saddleseat Adult Riding Camp
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Adult riders, come for a well-rounded weekend of expert instruction & an enjoyable time for all! This event is being held by Equitate LLC in Oconomowoc, Wis., on January 31 -February 2, 2014.
Sheri Brandl, Mark Bodnar and Jay Wood will be instructing. This is a great chance to get some solid riding time in with the instruction and training of three different trainers and share in many discussions with other adult riders.
There will be a fun atmosphere and the opportunity to ride a wide variety of nice horses, including five-gaited horses. Some of the curriculum offered will include: show ring preparation and instruction, round table discussions including the expertise of Mark and Jay who are both USEF judges, a veterinarian presentation, other guest speakers and more. The barn and arena are all heated! Hotels and restaurants are nearby.
For more information, and registration, visit or contact Sheri Brandl at 262.244.7771 / [email protected] or Mark Bodnar at 815.378.6665 / [email protected]