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Saddlebred Registry Releases New Registration Application, Transfer Forms


Lexington, Kentucky ­– New forms for registering and transferring American Saddlebreds have been printed and released following review by the American Saddlebred Horse Association Breeders Committee and the directors of the American Saddlebred Registry.  They are available for downloading from, or upon request by contacting the Registry by telephone, e-mail, or in writing.

“These new forms have been developed by the staff after years of experience with the previous versions and lots of customer comments,” Registrar Alan F. Balch said.  “They contain the same essential information requirements, but perhaps ordered in a more convenient way, with more space to write and provide the required details.  We have found that more and more people are using the website to download forms, and the previous ones contained important elements which didn’t print well, and they came out far too condensed on most printers.  That has been corrected.  Also, some critical parts of the forms didn’t fax properly, and that has been corrected, too.”

Sr. Registry Supervisor Petra Green pointed out that the volume of registration applications sent by fax has increased greatly over the years, and steps have now been taken to make sure that forms are properly received in the office.  

“Even though the Application for Registration seems longer now, it really isn’t.  We just allowed more room for each requirement.  But when faxing the forms to us, if the applicant chooses to do that, it is important that the name of the foal’s dam be clearly printed at the top of each page, so we can make sure all the information on one application is put together.  That’s one of the main problems we’ve had over the years, when breeders have sent in multiple applications at a futurity deadline, all at the same time, and it’s been hard to get all the right pages together.”

Preliminary versions of the form were reviewed at the convention in February, where several changes were recommended and adopted.  While use of the new forms is preferable, the previous versions will be accepted as well until further notice.

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