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Saddle Horse Report Online Breaks a Record!


During the week of July 9 – 15, Saddle Horse Report Online had a record 645,086 hits! This is a 34% increase over the previous weekly record. Saddle Horse Report Online hosted an average of 4,900 visitors per day who stayed on the web site for more than 7 minutes per visit.


Sunday, July 9, 2006
Registered users who accessed the site – 3,550

Hits – 38,822
Page views – 11,576

Average time spent online - 4 minutes - 32 seconds

Monday, July 10, 2006
Registered users who accessed the site – 4,738

Hits – 74,922

Page views – 18,051
Average time spent online - 5 minutes - 18 seconds

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Registered users who accessed the site – 5,420
Hits – 109,245
Page views – 25,644
Average time spent on line - 7 minutes - 02 seconds

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Registered users who accessed the site – 5,516
Hits – 123,874
Page views – 27,797
Average time spent on line - 7 minutes - 30 seconds

Thursday, July 13, 2006
Registered users who accessed the site – 5,833
Hits – 117,534
Page views – 28,363
Average time spent on line - 8 minutes - 00 seconds

Friday, July 14, 2006
Registered users who accessed the site – 5,158
Hits – 103,769
Page views - 24,701
Average time spent on line - 7 minutes - 51 seconds

Saturday, July 14, 2006
Registered users who accessed the site – 4,087
Hits – 79,920
Page views – 18,974
Average time spent on line - 7 minutes - 3 seconds

Thank you for your wonderful support of Saddle Horse Report Online - the most active Saddlebred/Morgan site on the Internet.


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