Rule Change for NHS Good Hands Qualifiers
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The Good Hands Saddleseat Classes will now qualify both 1st and 2nd place riders for the National Finals. This rule change went into effect October 10, 2010 and will affect the qualifying classes throughout the 2011 show season and beyond, as well as the 2011 NHS Good Hands Finals to be held at the Mane Event Horse Show in Springfield, IL.
The rule now reads:
To fill a class, three competitors must compete with proper tack. A rider must place first or second to qualify to compete in the National Horse Show Saddle Seat Event “Good Hands” Championship/Final. One win eliminates the rider form further competition in this class for the remainder of the qualifying season.
Make your plans now to attend this year’s National NHS Good Hands Finals held on October 22, 2011 at the Mane Event Horse Show in Springfield, IL. For more information on the Finals, go to or contact Bob Griffin at (815) 342-6662 or [email protected].