Rock Creek Horse Show Statement Concerning EHV-1 Virus
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Officials from the Rock Creek Horse Show have consulted with the office of the Kentucky State Veterinarian to ensure the safety of all horses attending the show. Because of the economic significance Kentucky’s equine industry has in the state, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture has developed a systematic means that enables them to accurately monitor disease situations in other states. Information regarding threatening situations is gathered in a timely manner, reviewed and when warranted disseminated to Kentucky’s equine industry and practicing veterinarians.
Based on their recommendations the Rock Creek Horse Show will enact several voluntary precautions to ensure the safety and health of all horses. This will include completely disinfecting all stalls with a veterinarian recommended disinfectant. In addition, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture will be onsite to check that all health certificates are current and up to date. Also, it has been recommended that trainers monitor the rectal temperatures of their horses daily. A qualified veterinarian should check any horse with a temperature exceeding 101.5 degrees. Future developments will be monitored in a vigilant manner.