Raleigh Invitational Announces Judge
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Raleigh Invitational Horse Show is pleased to announce the Honorable Anne Judd has agreed to officiate this year's show. Spectators in the Raleigh area were thrilled to see the beautiful Saddlebred, Morgan, Roadster and Hackney breeds at last year's show and are anxious to see them again. The show will once again include the popular Equine Roadster & Roadster Pony cups. The Morgan division will be a **Two Star** rated show with AMHA. Show manager, Joyce Wilson, is quoted as saying "We had a great show in 2010 and our exhibitors said they all had a fantastic time. Make your plans now and join us April 15 - 17 for our 2011 show and our warm, Southern Hospitality". The show will be held at the Governor James B Hunt Horse Complex indoor arena. For more information contact Joyce Wilson, 7934 Old Bunch Rd, Zebulon, NC 27597 919-365-5149 jshowbizz@aol.com.