Queer Eye for the UPHA Guy
Monday, December 13, 2004
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Queer Eye for the UPHA Guy
Carson Kressley, fashion guru for the hit Bravo television show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, took on his greatest makeover challenge to date, UPHA past president Jimmy Robertson. Friends of Robertson purchased the makeover as part of an auction package donated by Kressley at the 2004 UPHA Convention.
The entire day of shopping and spa treatments was filmed and will be shown at the 2005 UPHA Convention. Stops across the city included D'Mai Spa, and the Broadway show Avenue Q.
Was the makeover a success? Did the suspenders stay or go?
These are only two of the many questions that will be answered. Although it is still in production, expect cameos from other Saddlebred celebrities including Rob and Sarah Byers, Sarah Cronan and Vicki Gillenwater. Family members Helen Robertson and Corky Robertson will also offer opinions on Jimmy's new look. New York Yankees star Don Mattingly was not on the set but this didn't stop his friends from featuring him in a starring role for the UPHA segment.
Don’t miss the 2005 UPHA Convention and the premiere of this film.