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In July 2002, United Pegasus Foundation was called in to take over the financially failing Equus Sanctuary. United Pegasus Foundation has a short window of opportunity to find a new sanctuary for 370 horses and to feed them until they are transported to a new home. If not, these horses will be sent to the auctions and most of them will be purchased for slaughter. If every person who reads this were to contribute through the purchase of a print by artist, Leslie Anne Webb or by sending a donation, we could help to save these horses lives. Any extra funds will go to help rescue the 2002 PMU foals.

Buy a print thorugh the end of August and 50% proceeds will go to feed these horses. The other 50% will fund the adoption and education center for ex-race horses and PMU foals to be located in Grass Valley, CA. To purchase a print, log on to The Deadline is August 31 or make a donation to United Pegasus Foundation, 120 S. First Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91006 or call 530.599.3508.

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