Pinnacle Prize Fund Keeps Growing
Monday, August 9, 2004
Within the first 30 seconds of talking with Robin Rednor Veghte it is obvious how dedicated she is to the Pinnacle Prize sponsorship program and the New England Regional Horse Show. Veghte couldn't stopped raving, “I am so honored and so proud to be a part of this program and this team!” According to Veghte the New England Regional Morgan Horse Show was the first horse show to ask her to work on its committee. Since then she has dedicated everything she has to the growth of the Pinnacle Prize Fund and the continued success of the show. 2003 was the inaugural year for the Pinnacle Prize Fund and since then it has grown by leaps and bounds. The Pinnacle Prize Fund was originally set up to reward the owners who promote and campaign open horses at the highest level. The added prize money is awarded to the winners of the East Coast Invitational Championships at the New England Regional Morgan Horse Show. The added money in the championships was implemented to draw in more exhibitors and help keep entries and spectators at the New England Regional at a maximum capacity. This year there was an increase in the amount of prize money given to the champions and reserve champions in the 12 designated Pinnacle Prize Championships. 2004 champions trotted away with $3,000 and the reserve champions were awarded $1500. This was all due to the increase in the people who stepped up the plate to sponsor, and the multiple year commitments they were willing to make. Last year Veghte made 16 calls and was delighted to receive sponsorship commitments from all 16. Ann Hailey of Copper Beach Morgans approached Veghte about being a sponsor this year. The overwhelming response from sponsors in 2003 had left out many willing sponsors like Hailey. So, in 2004 Hailey graciously sponsored the Pinnacle Party on the first night of the show. Each of the Pinnacle Fund sponsors were presented with identical crystal Pinnacle awards to those that the champions received. The gracious sponsors for 2004 were; Sarde Morgans, Luman Wadhams Stable, Waterford Farm, Honeytree Farm, Indian Creek Farm, Maine Event Morgans, Stonecroft Farm, Taylor River Farm, Kohler Stables, Mendonhall Morgans, Salem Farm, Rand and clients, Mary Gaziano Golek, CPM Stables, Dantree Farm, The Brown/Klein Family, Dragonsmeade Farm, Priscilla Marconi, and Friends Of The Pinnacle Fund. Veghte is quick to give recognition to everyone who helped her. She confesses that while she made the calls and asked for the money it was the rest of the committee that did that paper work and the follow through. “I've been in sales my whole life,” Veghte added. “It's something I know how to do. I have no problem getting on the phone and asking people to support something they believe in.” Veghte is convinced there are two keys to success. One, is knowing no geographical boundaries. She doesn't feel confined to asking only East Coast people to sponsor. As she witnessed this year, people from all over the country are eager to be a part of this fast growing program. The majority of the 2003 sponsors were eager to sponsor again in 2004, and the instant Veghte stepped on the fairgrounds she was bombarded with people wanted to help out the Pinnacle Fund. She believes, “New England isn't just an East Coast show. Without the help of people from all over the country this program wouldn't be possible.” Both Stephanie Connor and Lisa Howa from the West Coast have expressed an interest in being a part of the Pinnacle Fund for next year. “People from the entire country come to this show to take part in the competition and to watch the show,” Veghte added. The second key is to make the calls. "You just have to get on the phone and start talking to people. If someone says no, then move on to the next. But you won't get the sponsors without asking. Thanks to these keys to success once again this year's East Coast Invitational Championships were filled with great competitors who all had their eye on the increased prize money. The feedback and support for the program was overwhelming and Robin Veghte and the NEMHS Team are dedicated to making sure the Pinnacle Prize Fund keeps collecting money and awarding quality Morgan Horses and dedicated owners and exhibitors.