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Pin Oak Pink Ribbon Class

The Pin Oak Charity Horse Show will hold a Pink Ribbon Class on Friday, March 20. The UPHA proudly introduced its program to help horse shows engage communities and raise much-needed funds for breast cancer research, awareness, and treatment; thus, the UPHA Pink Ribbon Class was born. The UPHA American Royal National Championship Horse Show raised more than $16,000 after the inaugural class in 2007 and received enthusiastic support from the American Royal attendees and the Kansas City community. The UPHA organized this program so that horse shows across the United States could participate in the effort as well. And, the bar has been raised: the goal is to raise $100,000 this year!

The money raised by the Pin Oak Pink Ribbon Class is to be split 50/50 between the Susan Komen Foundation and the Nellie B. Connally Breast Center at the UT MD Anderson Cancer Center. The Pink Ribbon Class is class number 84 and will begin at 8:00 PM, Friday, March 20. There is an opportunity to honor a cancer survivor by having them recognized in the center ring before the class begins, as well as recognition in the show program. This is all for a donation of $100 or more. For a donation of $300 or more there will be a recognition of the donation in one of the beautiful flower barrels that is on display throughout the showgrounds. There will also be a beautiful pink flag on display at the entryway of each barn for a donation of $100. Listed below is a Pledge Form link for your convenience. Please fill it out and mail in to the Pin Oak Show Secretary with your entry forms, if you haven't mailed them in already.

Pink Ribbon Donor Pledge Form

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