Overall Winner Clarified
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

At the recent combined UPHA/ASHA/AHHS Convention in Savannah, Ga., the overall UPHA Horse and Pony of the Year Awards were presented Saturday night at the “Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil” masquerade gala, which was an enormous success.
The talented pleasure driving pony Heartland Accolade, owned by Brown-Anderson Farms, Ltd and shown by Brianna Meyer, was named the 2014 Overall Hackney Pleasure Driving Pony of the Year and the Adult Hackney Pleasure Driving Pony of the Year.
Their wins capped off a great 2014 show season under the direction of Andy and Lynda Freseth at Hollow Haven Farm which included wins at Midwest and Blue Ridge as well as the Adult Hackney Pleasure Driving Pony Sec. I win and Hackney Pleasure Driving Pony National Championship at Kansas City.