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OMHA To Host Reception At Buckeye Morgan Sale

The Ohio Morgan Horse Association (OMHA) is excited to announce that they will be hosting a Reception following the Stallion Presentation at the upcoming Buckeye Morgan Sale.  The Buckeye Morgan Sale will be held March 27 and 28, 2015 at the Ashland County Fairgrounds in Ashland, OH.  250 registered Morgan horses will go through the sale.  For more information by contacting Jacob Kanagy at 330-567-2028. This auction has become one of the largest in the Morgan breed and is a great harbinger of spring. 

OMHA invites all of our fellow Morgan lovers to join us for light refreshments and fellowship following the presentation; this event is free and open to everyone.  Let’s shake off the winter doldrums and come together in our love of the Morgan horse as we look forward to warmer weather and a brighter future for the Morgan breed.

Be sure to stop by the OMHA display to learn more about the club and how to become a member. For more information on OMHA please visit  To learn more about the Buckeye Morgan Sale visit their website at

The Ohio Morgan Horse Association is an American Morgan Horse Association Recognized Club.  The object of OMHA is to encourage and promote interest in the breeding, use and ownership of Morgan horses as a versatile breed.

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