Ohio State Fair Judges
Thursday, May 11, 2006
The judges for the Ohio State Fair, July 18-23, have been announced.
Brent Jacobs, Georgetown, Ky., will officiate over the Saddlebred five-gaited, park full mane and tail, show pleasure, American Saddlebred Of Ohio Futurity, and open halter divisions. The Hackney pony in hand, harness, open, and AHHS Futurity roadsters will also be handled by Jacobs.
Anne Judd, Land O Lakes, Fla., will preside over the Saddlebred three-gaited, fine harness, country pleasure, park pleasure, Buckeye Futurity, harness pony, pleasure driving and Morgan and saddle seat equitation.
Gary Edds, Vincennes, Indiana will officiate Shetland Pony and Ohio Hackney Futurity.
For more information about the Ohio State Fair Horse Show, contact Judy Peters at (614) 402-1260 or e-mail: allhorseshows@earthlink.net