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Obituary – Leslie Parker

Morgan horseman, Leslie Parker, 71, a longtime resident of Amenia, New York, died on Saturday, August 8, 2015. 

Born on November 3, 1943 in Baltimore, Les was the son of the late Joseph E. and Marie E. (Hicks) Parker. He was predeceased by his wife, Marie (Cambridge) Parker on March 25, 1988. Mr. Parker was a member of the American Morgan Horse Association and the U.S. Equestrian Federation. He was a 2008 AMHA Golden Reins awardee and was a parishioner of Immaculate Conception Church in Amenia, NY.

Les devoted his life to a professional career as a horseman who contributed to the advancement, development, and presentation of the Morgan horse. He spent most of career as part of his family’s Joe Parker Stables in Amenia alongside his father and brothers. Some of the famed horses included Bennfield’s Ace, Special Kay, Shaker’s Destry, and Paramount’s Highness. Les and his brother Bill established the picture of the in-hand presentation excellence with that special flare and showmanship that was called “The Parker Brothers” style. 

With UC Ringmaster, Les won the World Champion English Pleasure title at Oklahoma in 1991 and returned to do it again in 1993. This was a very special combination and anyone who saw it will remember it forever. Les got that big chestnut so brilliant at the trot; squatting down behind and so lofty up front that it made your hair stand up on end. But the victory passes Les and Ringmaster made out in Oklahoma were even better. Though normally a quiet, unassuming man, Les had a unique pass for the Oklahoma crowd, he put the reins in his teeth and Ringmaster just kept pumping that awesome trot in perfect form, the crowd just loved to see that man and that horse in perfect partnership.

Les is survived by his son, Leslie M. Parker, Jr. and four brothers, Joseph, William, Hugh, and Bernard. In addition to his parents and wife, he was predeceased by a son, Brian, and a sister, Dorothy Parker.

Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 2678 South Road, Suite 103, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601. For directions or to send the family an online condolence, please visit



Leslie Parker aboard World Champion UC Ringmaster

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