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Obituary - Jeanne Mellin Herrick

On November 21, 2015 renowned artist, and Morgan horse ambassador Jeanne Mellin Herrick passed away at St Joseph’s Hospital in Syracuse, New York.

Jeanne was born on February 3, 1927 in Stamford, Connecticut, the daughter of Kenneth and Marjorie Mellin. Jeanne grew up in New Canaan, Connecticut, until the Mellin family moved to Piermont, New Hampshire, in the early 1950s.

Jeanne’s love of horses started at a very early age. She began riding with Margaret Cabel Self in New Canaan and was part of her "Junior Cavalry of America." Jeanne’s first pony was a little pinto pony named "Geometry." The next horse that came into Jeanne’s life was a three-year-old grade Morgan mare named "Bonnie" who is ultimately responsible for Jeanne’s lifelong love and devotion to the Morgan horse.

Jeanne began sketching and painting horses as a youngster and continued her studies at the Rhode Island School of Design, where she graduated with a degree in Fine Art. She went on to have a very successful career as a professional artist, author, and illustrator. Jeanne’s work is owned by some of the most important collectors of equine art in the U.S., Europe, and around the world. Her book, The Complete Morgan Horse, is the regarded as the definitive book on the breed

On October 23, 1955 in Piermont, New Hampshire Jeanne married Fred Herrick, her husband of over 55 years. Together they had a successful career breeding, training, and showing Morgan horses. In 1968 they welcomed Nancy, their beautiful and beloved daughter, into the world.

Over the years Jeanne has been awarded numerous awards and recognition, including the very first Morgan Horse Woman of the Year Award in 1964, as well as being inducted into the American Morgan Horse Association Hall of Fame in 1989, just to name a few.

Some of Jeanne’s fondest memories were riding her much loved Morgan horses, Applevale Katonah and Applevale Kinsman. She spoke often of the many trips to England and all the wonderful times she spent riding and painting at her dear friend’s Angela Connor Bulmer’s farm, "Monnington."

Jeanne was predeceased by her husband, Fred, in 2013. She is survived by her daughter, Nancy Jeanne Herrick, and her much loved granddaughter, Victoria Lee Weaver. She is also survived by her cherished sister and best friend, Joan Osgood, and Joan’s husband Dean, as well as nieces and nephews: Wendy Soucy, Heidi Osgood-Metcalf, Cindy Timmons, Richard Osgood, Mark Osgood, Chris Osgood, and Jon Mellin.

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