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New England MHA Now a 501(c)3

Jeff Gove, President of the New England Morgan Horse Association, is pleased to announce that the IRS has recently designated the Association a 501(c)3. Donations made to the Association and the New England Morgan Horse Show will now be tax deductible.

"As the horse show prepares for its annual appeal, we are hoping that the 501(c)3status will entice donors to provide more funding than in the past. This is also an opportunity for the club and the horse show to approach companies and organizations that only consider donations to 501(c)3," Gove said.

We are excited about the possibilities for the future, particularly for the horse show. The annual sponsorship drive begins mid-April. Sponsorship information will be available at Further questions should be directed to Debra Lane, Sponsorship Chairman, at or (207) 232-7677.

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