Morgan Weanling Gala Building Strong List of Stallions
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Perrysburg, Ohio – The Morgan Weanling Gala committee is pleased to share with everyone the list of stallions currently nominated for the 2011 event. Larry Bolen, Gala Chairman, announced the stallions nominated as of February 23rd are Astronomicallee, Beethoven, Cartier, Centerpiece, Dragonsmeade Axios, Dragonsmeade Icon, Favorite Son, JW That Special Flaire, Man In Motion, Mastroianni, MEM The Patriot, Minion Millennium, Mizrahi, Stonecroft Trilogy, Tara's Firewalker, and Town Assets.
"We have such an extraordinary group of stallions already, and we are still receiving and encouraging nominations. The more nominations received the higher the payouts, and that is why it is so important for everyone who loves and breeds Morgans to become involved." Bolen stated. "We are also strongly encouraging mare owners to support the stallions listed above, and the resulting foals will be eligible to compete for substantial prize money," he concluded.
The 2011 Morgan Weanling Gala will be held at the Jubilee Regional Morgan Horse Show and will be open to all weanlings whose sires have been nominated to the program. Again, this event is an incredible and one of a kind way to promote a stallion and his offspring based on conformation and athleticism. The event invites all stallions into the program. The 2011 nomination fee is $3,000 for stallions new to the program and $2,700 for stallions that were nominated for 2010. A payment schedule is available and all major credit cards and checks will be accepted. Contracts are available at Requests may also be directed to Larry Bolen at, Paulette Bodnar at, or Shanna Gish at
The Morgan Weanling Gala is an event sponsored by the American Morgan Horse Institute which is a not-for-profit charitable, historical, and educational institution. As a Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, contributions are tax-deductible. AMHI activities include awarding educational scholarships; collecting and displaying materials relating to the Morgan breed at the Shelburne, Vermont-based National Museum of the Morgan Horse; and conducting the Grand National and World Championship Morgan Horse Show. For membership information or to make a donation, please contact