Minnesota Saddlebred Horse Association Hosts Horseman’s Education Seminar
Thursday, January 29, 2015
On Saturday, Jan., 24, 2015 the Minnesota Saddlebred Horse Association presented something new for their members and opened it to the public, Horseman's Education Seminar.
The host location was the new and beautiful Stables at Greenfield Farm. The owners Mark and Vicky Johannack, MSHA members and sponsors, along with their staff and customers generously opened their doors for this event.
The cost was only $10 per adult and free to the youth. The event included a delicious lunch catered by Reds and door prizes were raffled throughout the day; everything from Smith Lilly's book on Saddleseat Horsemanship to a car detailing from Morries Ford.
The schedule was full beginning at 11 am with Kristin Dull of Midwest Saddle Seat Consignment discussing the importance of a proper fitting suit and what to look for. She was followed by 5 more presentations.
Dr. Colleen Carter, Sunset Ridge Equine Vet Services Equine Behavior-"Why Did He Do That?", Dr. Harlan Anderson, Square Meal Feeds, Equine Nutrition for Dummies, a short presentation and Q & A session. Sports Psychologist, Hans Skulstad, MN, LMFT, MN Center for Sports & the Mind, Performance Fundamentals for the Equestrian & Everyday Life. Andrew Seifert, Equinimity, Yoga for the Equestrian. Lastly, "Live from Center Ring", Q & A opportunity about judging and the show ring with USEF Saddlebred and Equitation licensed judges, Cary Bartz, Doug Lindstrom and Jay Wood. MSHA received a tremendously positive feedback from all attendees.