Mid-America Mane Event Judges
Monday, April 25, 2011
The judges for the 9th Annual Mid-America Mane Event Horse Show, which is set to take place beginning Thursday, October 20, through Sunday, October 23, are Maria Gilman, Tim Lockard and Jimmy Robertson.
The show will be held at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield. Mane Event is produced by Mid-America Horse Show Association, a Charter Club of the American Saddlebred Horse Association.
Mane Event is held at the Illinois State Fairgrounds Coliseum, widely recognized as one of the country’s best show facilities. The excellent Coliseum arena, three warm-up areas (two enclosed, one covered - all available 24/7) and outstanding stabling are popular with show horse stables.
Mane Event offers a full and complete schedule of classes for Saddlebreds (performance, park, pleasure), plus Road Horses, Hackney Ponies (harness, roadster, pleasure ponies) and equitation (saddle seat, pleasure, adult, walk/trot).
Returning for the third year is the National Horse Show "Good Hands" Finals, part of the Saddle Seat Equitation Triple Crown. A change to the format for this year’s show will allow both first and second place riders in qualifying classes held throughout the season to be eligible to compete in the Finals. Also at Mane Event are the National Pleasure Equitation Olympics Finals for riders 13 years and under, and riders 14 through 17 years. The National Pleasure Equitation Olympics program is sponsored by Illinois American Saddlebred Pleasure Horse Association.
The Mid-America Mane Event entry booklet will be available in August. To request a copy, contact Show Manager Joy A. Meierhans at 43W734 Old Midlothian Rd., Elburn, IL 60119; call (630) 557-2575, or by email at JM@TheMeierhans.com.
The 2010 Mane Event class list can still be viewed at the Mid-American Mane Event Horse Show website. The 2011 entry book will be available on the website in August.