Lynda Freseth Clinic, hosted by Vantage Point Farm
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Continuing a nine-year tradition of great clinics, the VPF team is pleased to announce that World's Champion trainer and instructor Lynda Freseth as its 2012 clinician. The Feb. 4th and 5th event is open to Saddle Seat riders and driving competitors of any breed, and will be held at the Lone Star Expo Center in Conroe, Texas, just north of Houston off Interstate 45. Each participant will enjoy a private lesson, a group lesson and an entertaining evening with Mrs. Freseth. trainer & instructor of numerous World & National Champion riders & horses. Work with your own horse or, if needed, a few high-quality lesson horses will be available for lease. Weekend stabling is included and several hotels and excellent restaurants are nearby.
Come brush up on your skills before show season begins! For further information, contact May Chadick at [email protected] or (281) 787-9051.